Make-it-yourself play dough comes in handy! Here's our favorite recipe.
What you'll need:
2 cups flour
½ cup salt
2 tbsp. cream of tartar
2 tbsp. vegetable oil
1½ cups boiling water
Food coloring of choice
Mix flour, salt, cream of tartar and vegetable oil in a large mixing bowl.
In another bowl, add water and a few drops of food coloring.
Carefully pour the water mixture over the flour mixture and stir until dough is formed. Don't worry if it's still sticky.
Allow dough to rest for a few minutes.
Remove dough from bowl and knead it until it is no longer sticky. Add more flour as needed to reach play dough consistency.
Meg Grimm is a Christian writer on a mission to help women replace enemy lies, counterfeits and magic with God’s truth, beauty and wonder. She has authored several books on biblical wisdom for natural healthcare.